Design // Identity & Branding

Logo design development

In the process of planning and designing the logo for Fitnessé, I have been looking at existing logos for both unisex and female-only gyms as well as logo design in general by recognised graphic designers such as Saul Bass and Peter Saville.

These four logos are from both unisex and single sex gyms based in the UK. It appears that black is a running theme throughout these logos as this may be due to the professional, sleek look that the colour black provokes as well as the connotation of sophisticated, “join this gym and you too can be sophisticated” sort of thing. I think black is a good, universal colour to use for logo design and this is reinforced by PureGym especially as they moved onto a sleeker looking black logo leaving the heavy teal and bright green behind.

Each of the logos use different fonts that best represents their brand, PureGym are focusing on a slim and sleek sans-serif font in an uppercase format to show a regimented value of exercise

Design // Identity & Branding

Fitnessé: A female only gym aimed at busy young professionals hoping to expand it’s demographic appeal without alienating existing customers. The company is interested in moving away from stereotypes by finding new ways of bringing enhanced visibility to the brand through innovative marketing.

For my first project I am creating a whole identity and brand for a female-only gym called Fitnessé. The brand strikes me as a sans-serf kind of brand and I will probably stick to neutral colours for the brand.  Continue reading

Photography // Sound & Vision

I started to have a look at examples of different types of films made from still images in the three areas that I am looking at and here are the three that stood out to me. I have lightly analysed each video in order to show the positives and negatives of each one to help me decide on which route I would like to go down for my own piece. Continue reading

Photography // Sound & Vision

Following the tragic death of David Bowie, for my first photography assignment of semester b I have been given a brief inspired by Bowie’s Sound & Vision, in which I am to create a film using only still-images (can use moving image but I’m not going to) alongside a soundtrack composed entirely with royalty-free audio and audio I have recorded myself. I have considered 3 ideas for my project already including:

  • An experimental montage
  • A documentary montage
  • A linear narrative montage

Mike suggested to stay away from a linear narrative which has thrown me as I prefer to do my work in a set order, something that is organised and neat rather than experimental. Whilst I find creativity inspiring, I also find it messy at times and believe that a linear narrative would tell a good story. Nevertheless, I shall do research in both linear and experimental narratives and see where my research takes me.

Photography // Final Images

Here is my final piece for assignment 6, the long portrait. I have named the long portrait Anticipation because without expecting her to do so, Sophie spends most of the portrait anticipating something bad about to happen as her eyes are closed and she doesn’t know what to expect… At this point I was merely walking around the room, trying not to distract her. It was interesting to see how by closing her eyes and being unaware of her surroundings, Sophie was psychologically being interfered with through the fear that something, anything, could happen.  Continue reading

Photography // Development


This first screenshot shows the editing process of my video entitled ‘Anticipation’ and choosing which video to use was quite difficult for me as I shot quite a few so I had a choice, these choices included: pulling different facial expressions to gauge a reaction, playing upsetting audio clips and playing the subjects favourite music and doing the unexpected. In the end I chose my final clips because of the way she is being interfered with both physically and psychologically. Continue reading

Photography // Artist Research

The second photographer that I am researching for my final assignment is Clayton Cubitt. Cubitt conducted a series of videos entitled Hysterical Literature of which I am researching and in particular one video, Session One: Stoya, reading Necrophilia Variations and gauging a reaction to the book. I really like this video and find it incredibly interesting, I’m unsure whether the subject is uncomfortable or actually in hysterics, it’s so endearing and makes me want to find out more about the context of the book.  Continue reading

Photography // Final Images

After reflecting on my work for assignment 5, I realised that whilst it did work… It didn’t work as well as I wanted it to. Yes a recurring factor was a student and a university bedroom, but the viewer of this photograph wouldn’t know that if it wasn’t for information provided alongside it. To me, a typology should be obvious. This is when I began to look at Hans Eijkelboom. Continue reading